For Immediate Release
June 25, 2023
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About Ernest R Moss
Ernest R Moss is an accomplished author, motivational speaker, and corporate professional. He has emerged as a leading voice in the business world, leveraging his personal experiences to inspire and empower others. Ernest's relentless pursuit of success despite a troubled past has made him a sought-after mentor and role model for individuals striving to achieve their goals.

(BPRW) Corporate Convict

How To Navigate a Six Figure Career in Corporate America

(Black PR Wire) Introducing "Corporate Convict: How To Navigate a Six Figure Career in Corporate America" - A Remarkable Journey of Success Against All Odds

We are thrilled to announce the release of "Corporate Convict: How To Navigate a Six Figure Career in Corporate America," a groundbreaking memoir by Ernest R Moss. This captivating book chronicles Ernest's extraordinary journey from a three-time convicted felon and a high school dropout to a successful professional with a six-figure career in the corporate world.

In "Corporate Convict," Ernest R Moss shares his inspiring story of redemption, resilience, and triumph. Against all odds, he defied societal expectations and transformed his life, becoming an epitome of determination and achievement. With transparency and honesty, Ernest reveals the challenges he faced as a former convict and the stigma he encountered throughout his path to success.

Ernest's journey began in 2007 with a GED in hand, limited resources, and a burning desire to turn his life around. Guided by a relentless spirit, he dedicated himself to personal development, education, and professional growth. Through sheer perseverance, Ernest overcame numerous obstacles, shattered stereotypes, and climbed the ladder of success in the corporate world.

"Corporate Convict" is a treasure trove of practical advice and invaluable insights for individuals seeking to excel in their careers, regardless of their backgrounds or past mistakes. Ernest R Moss provides a roadmap for success, offering guidance on navigating the complexities of corporate America, building a strong professional network, and making crucial career choices.

This remarkable memoir is an empowering testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the limitless potential for personal growth. Ernest's story serves as an inspiration to all, highlighting the importance of second chances, determination, and the ability to reinvent oneself.

"Corporate Convict: How To Navigate a Six Figure Career in Corporate America" is now available in both print and digital formats. To order your copy or learn more about Ernest R Moss and his incredible journey, visit